Don’t stop Dancing.  High school Drill Teams across the state of Utah have been preparing all year for the chance to compete and show off their routines.  Hours and hours of early morning and after school practices were put in by these talented high school girls. Covid might have changed the rules not allowing the usual packed bleacher fans to attend but, Melissa Woodman, the owner of the Elevations Dance Competition was able to provide a competition that meet the safety standards required by the UHSAA.


The show must go on.   Melissa, the competition owner, facing lost revenue because of the attendance restriction, would now have to reduce her budget where she could.  Hearing her concerns, our Utah Team came up with an idea to sponsor team treats for each high school team in attendance.  Twenty Two “Good Luck” team buckets full of healthy and not so healthy snacks were distributed to all of teams competing that day.  The competition was successfully streamed live for those fans that could not attend in person.

Entourage Yearbooks would like to congratulate all of the Utah High School Drill Teams and wish them luck on their upcoming regional and state finals.  Entourage is here to help you preserve the memories made this year.  Love Every Moment and Remember Everything.